Synthesis of Point Clouds
A Convolutional Decoder for Point Clouds, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2019
Researcher at the Visual Computing Institute, RWTH Aachen University
I'm a researcher and Ph.D. student at the Visual Computing Institute (Graphics, Geometry & Multimedia Group, RWTH Aachen Uni ), where I work with Prof. Dr. Leif Kobbelt.
For my reseach I am interested in applying machine learning techniques to geometry processing problems and shape analysis tasks.
A Convolutional Decoder for Point Clouds, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2019
String-Based Synthesis of Structured Shapes, Eurographics 2019
Feature Curve Co-Completion in Noisy Data, Eurographics 2018
A Simple Approach to Intrinsic Correspondence Learning on Unstructured 3D Meshes, Geometry Meets Deep Learning ECCV 2018 Workshop
Adapting Feature Curve Networks to a Prescribed Scale, Euro 2016
Identifying Style of 3D Shapes using Deep Metric Learning, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2016
Advanced Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation from Surface Quad Meshes, 22nd International Meshing Roundtable